Friday, April 29, 2011

April 28th - Electricity I (Static electricity, batteries)

We will spend two weeks on electricity. This week, we covered static electricity and batteries; next week we'll discuss circuits.

We spent a few minutes at the beginning of class reviewing the charges of the three subatomic particles. Protons have a positive charge, electrons are negative, and neutrons are neutral. I gave each student two balloons. They inflated them and then rubbed the balloons on their hair. The students held the balloons and tried to push them together. They noticed the balloons pushed each other away.
This happened because both balloons had the same charge. In science, opposites charges attract and like charges repel. Similarly, when the students rubbed the balloon on their hair, their hair "jumped" up to stick to the balloon. The hair and balloon had opposite charges causing them to be attracted to each other.

Coulomb's Law - Coulomb's Law has to do with the attraction or repulsion of forces. Part of the Law states that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Coulomb's Law can also be used to show that a difference in the amount of charge between two objects affects the strength of the repulsion or attraction. French scientist Charles Augustin de Coulomb showed that forces of attraction or repulsion become stronger as objects move closer together. The opposite is also true; the attraction or repulsion becomes weaker as objects are moved farther apart. So, as the charge increases, so does the electrical force created between the two objects.
As a side note, Coulomb was probably not the first to discover this law of physics. Henry Cavendish, an English scientist, came up with similar ideas but he did not publish his work and the credit was given to Coulomb. Cavendish's work was not discovered until decades after he died.
Here's an experiment (similar to the one above) that can help explain Coulomb's Law.
You can also demonstrate this with magnets. In fact, we will revisit this in a couple of weeks when we look at magnetism.

Fun fact - The SI (International System) unit for measuring electrical charge is the coulomb.

Conductors and Insulators - I showed the class a couple of power chords and explained that the plastic coating is an insulator. I also showed them a piece of wire that I'd stripped the insulation from so they could see what's inside.
We discussed that metals are generally good conductors of electricity (the students knew copper and gold are excellent conductors). Copper is often used to make electrical wires since it's relatively inexpensive.
Conductors allow electrical charges to move freely since they can carry an electrical current. Insulators, on the other hand, do not transfer electrical currents easily. While the charges inside a power chord can move through the conducting metal wires, they cannot escape through the insulating plastic. This helps appliances run efficiently and protects people from electric shock. Other insulators include rubber, glass, and cardboard.

Conductors and Insulators lab - The students were each given a D-cell battery, a battery holder, a light bulb and bulb holder (wires were already connected), and some test materials (foil, eraser, quarter, pencil, plastic-coated paper clip, uncoated paper clip, wooden ruler, plastic ruler).
The students connected the light bulb to the battery and then tested each object to discover if it was a conductor or not. As predicted, the only conductors were the quarter and uncoated paper clip.
You can try this at home with other test materials. Use electrical tape in place of the battery holder. You can also use old Christmas tree lights for the light bulb. Just cut a section with a bulb and then strip away part of the insulation from the wire.

Transfer of Electrons - We reviewed what we'd already discussed about the three subatomic particles and their charges. I drew an atom on the board with the protons on neutrons on the inside and the electrons on the outside of the atom. I then drew diagrams to show how atoms can lose or gain electrons and that this can change charges.

Charging by Friction - Think of sliding along a cloth car seat. As you do this, some electrons are transferred between your clothes and the car seat. One material gains electrons while the other loses electrons. Charging by friction also explains why you get zapped if you rub your shoes along a carpet and then touch a metal doorknob on a dry day.

Static electricity is an example of charging by friction. Static means stationary so static electricity is a build-up of negative or positive stationary charges.

Charging by Contact - This occurs when you charge an object by touching it with a charged object. To demonstrate this, I drew a door knob on the board with a rubber rod touching the door knob. The rubber rod was negatively charged and the doorknob had a neutral charge (equal numbers of protons and electrons). When the negatively charged rubber rod touched the door knob, electrons were transferred from the rod to the door knob giving the knob a negative charge.

Charging by Induction/Induced Charges - The students had already learned that like charges repel and opposite charges attract and that electrons can move between atoms and objects to change charges. I used the same door knob diagram to demonstrate this concept. In this one, we also had a negatively-charged rubber rod. When the rubber rod became close to the door knob (without touching), it caused the protons and electrons within the door knob to move. Rather than transferring electrons from the rod, though, the charge of the door knob remained neutral. What did happen was the positively-charged protons moved to the handle of the door knob (they were attracted by the negatively-charged rubber rod) and the negatively-charged electrons in the door knob moved away from the area closer to the rubber rob (they were repelled by it).
This can be a bit tricky but some of the labs we completed below provided hands-on experiences with induced charges.

Static Electricity lab - I found a great science kit at the MPCS library back at the beginning of the school year and it included a plastic tube with tiny styrofoam balls. Perfect for demonstrating static electricity!
The students were given some test materials - a piece of felt, a piece of wool, a cotton ball, and a piece of foil. They also tested the tube with the carpet and their hands. They rubbed the tube with each of the test materials and observed what happened to the styrofoam balls inside the tube. As the students rubbed the tube with the various materials, they noticed the balls were sometimes attracted to one another and sometimes repelled. This is due to a transfer of electrons causing some atoms to gain electrons and some to lose electrons. The foil created the least amount of static electricity.
This showed charging by friction.

Streamers lab - For this lab, I cut pieces of tissue paper to give them long thin streamers. Each student was given a piece of the cut tissue paper and a comb. They combed through their hair a few times then held the comb close to (without touching) the tissue paper. The paper strips moved toward the comb.
The students charged the comb with static electricity. This was charging by friction since electrons were rubbed from their hair onto the comb. This also showed an induced charge since the negatively-charged comb attracted the positively-charged atoms in the paper.

Electroscope lab - An electroscope is an instrument used to measure the charge of static electricity. The electroscope has two thin pieces of metal (leaves) suspended from a metal hook. When a negatively-charged object is placed close to the hook, some electrons will move to the hook. They then travel down the hook to the leaves. If a positively-charged object is placed near the hook, some electrons will transfer from the hook to the positively-charged object. As the leaves are charged (in either case), they will repel each other. A stronger charge will cause the leaves to repel each other farther apart.
We built our own electroscopes using plastic cups, paper clips, and foil. I uncurled some paper clips leaving one curved end. Each student was also given two thin strips of foil (leaves) and another piece of foil. They poked a hole in the bottom of the cup with the paper clip and pushed the straight end of the paper clip through the cup so the curved part remained inside the cup. They then attached the two foil leaves to the curved end of the clip. The students put the cup upside down on the table and scrunched the remaining foil into a ball around the straight end of the paperclip.
They then charged a balloon by rubbing it on a piece of wool and then placed the ball near the foil ball. They watched how the leaves reacted to the charge.
This lab shows an induced charge.

Tinkle lab - The students were given a small piece of aluminum foil that they ripped into small pieces. They then charged a comb by combing it through their hair several times. The students placed the comb near the small foil pieces and observed. The foil pieces jumped to stick to the comb.
As we know, this is due to the negatively-charged particles in the comb attracting the positively-charged particles in the foil. The attraction here was so strong that the foil overcame gravity to jump up to the comb.

Bending Water with Static Electricity - This quick lab gave one last demonstration of an induced charge.
The students charged a comb and then held the comb close to a thin stream of running water. They watched as the water bent toward the comb. This is due to the positively-charged particles in the water being attracted to the negatively-charged particles in the comb.

Current - Current in electricity is the movement of electrons from one object to another. We saw a lot of that in the labs we completed! Current is measured in units called amperes.
There are two main types of current - Direct Current (DC) which always flows in one direction and Alternating Current (AC) which is a flow back and forth. AC can also change directions. Batteries are an example of direct current. The electricity in our homes and outlets is alternating current.

Batteries - All batteries have a positive and a negative terminal. If these two terminals are connected, the electrons in the material connecting the terminals will flow to create a current. Electrons move from areas with higher negative charge to those with a lower negative charge. So, electrons like to move from the negative terminal of a battery to the positive terminal. These electrons are the charge. Charge moves from negative to positive. Current (DC), however, moves from positive to negative.

Hot lab - We created a circuit had a little preview of next week's class during this lab.
Each student was given an AA battery and a piece of aluminum foil. They folded the foil to make a thin strip and then held one end of the foil strip against each battery terminal or pole.
**If you try this at home, do not hold the foil against the battery for more than 10 or 15 seconds!**
The foil "wire" created a path or circuit for the electrons to move through. As we learned earlier, the electrons in a DC current (like a battery) flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. This movement (current) of electrons caused the foil wire to become hot.
This is similar to what happens in an incandescent light bulb. Electrons flow into the bulb and this flow or movement causes the filament to heat up. The wire filament becomes so hot that it gives of light. Scientists say the filament becomes incandescent, hence, incandescent bulbs are the ones with the thin wire filament inside.

Fruit Battery - We attempted to create a fruit battery using a lemon but we didn't have much luck with it. The directions I used called for a copper nail or copper wire. I didn't have a nail but did find some copper wire so we tried that. Unfortunately the wire didn't quite cut it but one of the students suggested we try this with a penny. Good idea so I'll try to squeeze this in again next week with the penny! We're actually going to make a potato circuit next week that uses a penny so this will relate quite nicely if we have time to try again.
Here's a link to the directions so you can try this at home if you like:
Fruit Battery
Try this with other fruits. If you're able to find some, use some pH paper to test the acidity levels of the fruits and see if a fruit with a lower pH (higher acidity) produces a brighter light than one with a higher pH/lower acidity.

Next Week:
We'll continue our study of electricity by looking at circuits. We'll create simple, parallel, and series circuits and will also learn how switches work. We're also going to attempt to use a solar cooker to make S'mores. Hopefully the sun will be shining and there won't be the usual San Diego "May Gray" but I have a back-up plan so the students can enjoy S'mores even if our solar cooker doesn't quite work as planned. :)

The labs "Hot," "Streamers," and "Tinkle" are all from Physics for Every Kid.
VanCleave, J. (1991). Physics for Every Kid: 101 Easy Experiments in Motion, Heat, Light, Machines, and Sound. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
"Bend Water with Static Electricity" is from this website:
"Fruit Battery" was found here:
"Static Electricity," "Conductors and Insulators," and "Electroscope" were all from a Lakeshore Learning Materials kit on Electricity.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 7 - Sound

Sound travels in waves just like light. For this reason, we spent the first part of our class reviewing last week's lesson on waves. We went back over transverse and longitudinal waves as well as the parts and measurements of waves (crest, trough, wavelength, amplitude).
Sounds travel along longitudinal waves. It can travel through gases, liquids, and solids.

Demonstrating Sound Waves lab - For this, the students filled Zip-Lock bags with air and sealed them tightly. They held the bag over one ear while covering their other ear with their hand. A second student tapped on the bag with the eraser end of a pencil. 
We then put water in the bags and tried this again. As a final test, the students held a wooden block against their ear while a friend tapped on the block with the pencil eraser.
This demonstrated how sounds can travel through gases, liquids, and solids but that sound waves differ when traveling through each.

Good Vibrations lab - Each student blew up a balloon and held the balloon next to one of their ears. A partner then pressed their lips against the balloon and spoke. We rotated around the room so everyone had a chance to play the roles of listener and speaker. This allowed the speaker to "feel" their voice as the balloon vibrated against their lips. The listeners were able to hear and feel the vibrations that created the sound waves.

Different instruments made sounds in different ways. We spent some time looking at wind and string instruments and discussing how they make sounds.
Wind instruments such as a flute or trumpet use vibrating air to make sounds. A flutist blows across the hole at the top of a flute. Their breath then creates waves inside the flute's tube. 
Clarinets, saxophones, and oboes use reeds (thin pieces of wood) to create vibrations. 
Guitars are string instruments. When a guitarist plucks a guitar string, they create rarefactions and compressions as the string vibrates back and forth. Shortening a guitar string makes it sound higher (it gives it a higher pitch). 

Human Voices
When a person speaks or sings, air is forced forced from their lungs up through their voice box or larynx. The voice box is made up of two folds (vocal chords) that vibrate as the air from the lungs rushes past them. When the chords move together they form compressions; as they move apart they create rarefactions. 

Pitch describes the highness or lowness of a sound or musical note. 
Frequency describes how often something happens. In waves, frequency refers to the number of waves that pass a certain point each second.
Higher pitch sounds have higher frequencies while lower pitch sounds have lower frequencies. High pitch sound waves are more compressed; low pitch sound waves are more rarefied.
The students watched this animation of pitch and frequency:
(you may need to go to "What is Sound?" from the menu on the left and then find page 4 [you can click on the "4" at the top of the page.])

Straw Flute lab - We couldn't get this one to work very well despite trying straws of two different sizes. 
Each student was given a drinking straw and pair of scissors. They made a "reed" by cutting a small section (about 1/2-in.) off each side of the top of the straw. The students then placed the straw in their mouths. They blew while pushing on the reed and tried to make a sound. We tried shortening the length of the straw which should have produced a higher pitch.
The point of this was to see that shortening the length of the medium that the wave is traveling in will increase the wave's pitch. Earlier we mentioned that a shorter guitar string will produce a higher sounding note. This is the same idea. The longer the column or tube of vibrating air, the lower the pitch. The shorter the column, the higher the pitch.

Twang lab - This one did allow us to hear differences in pitch caused by changing the length of the medium.
Each student was given a wooden ruler. They placed the rulers on the table with about 10 inches of the ruler hanging off the end of the table. They held down on the ruler with one hand and then pushed and released the free end of the ruler with their other hand. The students listened to the sound produced then tried this again while sliding the ruler further onto the table. 
The shorter the ruler became, the higher the pitch it created.
You can see an animation of this lab ("Vibrations") on the University of Salford/ "Sounds Amazing" site. Click on "What is Sound?" on the left-hand side menu then click on page 2 from the menu at the top of the page. Make sure to hold down on the mouse button to hear the twangs (and make sure the volume on your computer is not up too high!)

String Music lab - This one was another lab that demonstrated that changing lengths of the medium changes the pitch of the sound.
We cut a length of string a little longer than the length of the table and then tied each end to a bucket. We then placed several rocks in each of the two buckets to act as weights. I placed a pencil under the string close to each bucket and then invited the students to pluck the string. They listened to the pitch of the sound created and then moved the pencils closer to each other. They tried plucking again and listening to the sounds. We noticed that as the pencils moved closer (shortening the length of the medium), the pitch became higher.

The amplitude of a wave is the distance between the trough and the crest. It's the vertical length of the wave or how tall the wave is. I like to think of "altitude" (how high above sea level you are) to remember this because that word sounds a bit like "amplitude."
Loudness is related to amplitude. A wave with a higher amplitude will produce a louder sound. 
Check out page 5 from "What is Sound?" on the University of Salford site: "Loudness and Decibels"

Loudness is measured in decibels (dB). A higher decibel means something is louder. We went over the decibels of some common sounds:
*Rustling leaves - 10 dB
*Whisper - 20 dB
*Loud conversation - 60-70 dB
*Loud music - 90-100 dB
*Rock concert - 115-120 dB
*Jet engine - 120-170 dB
*Space shuttle engine - 200 dB
We also spent a bit of time talking about loud noises and the potential for hearing loss. 

The Speed of Sound
Sound waves actually change speeds as they travel through different media or different forms of matter. The students are all aware of how the particles in solids, liquids, and gases are related so I built on that knowledge to show them how the speed of sound can change.
Solids - The particles in solids are very tightly packed. These particles vibrate next to each other but they don't move around. Because the particles are so close together, sounds travel quickly through solids. This is the type of matter that sounds travel fastest through.
Liquids - The particles in a liquid are a little more loose than those in a solid. They get to move around and over each other. This means sounds travel a little slower through liquids since sound waves have a bit further to go between particles.
Gases - Gases are the least tightly packed. The particles in gases are able to buzz all over and move a lot. Sounds travel slowest through gases. 

When scientists talk about the "speed of sound" they are referring to the speed of sound through air (gas) at room temperature (~76 degrees F). This is about 340 meters/second (about twice as fast as a jet plane). Here's how the speed of sound differs in different materials:
*Fresh water - 1,490 m/s.
*Plastic - 1,800 m/s.
*Steel - 5,200 m/s.
*Glass - 4,540 m/s.

The students seemed pretty interested in this so we spent a bit of time talking about the speed of sound, sonic booms, and Concorde/supersonic aircraft. We even looked up the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s) and compared that to the speed of sound. :)  

Sounds and Temperature
When I was little,  my parents would tell my siblings and I to "keep it down" when we were outside at night since "your voices carry at night." Here's the physics behind that.
It's all related to temperature. During the day, sound waves are able to spread out due to a higher air temperature. At night, the cool air sinks closer to the ground while the warmer air rises. This cooler air causes the sound waves to spread out and bend (this is known as diffraction). The sound waves, then, travel further at night or in cooler temperatures.
If you go to the University of Salford site and click on Lesson 3: Wave Behaviour then on page 6 at the top you'll get the "Refraction" animation. This shows how the train sounds differently at night and during the day.

Diffraction also allows you to hear sounds around corners.
Page 7 of Wave Behaviour from the U. of Salford site shows this.

Just like light waves, sound waves can also be reflected. This is what happens in an echo when sound waves bounce off a mountain or the walls of a cave. 
Echolocation and sonar also use reflected sound waves.
We played around on Page 3 of Wave Behaviour (slides 1 and 2) to view animations of echoes and echolocation.

The Doppler Effect
To finish up class we spent a little time talking about the Doppler Effect. The Doppler Effect relates to pitch and frequency of sound waves. We know higher frequency equals higher pitch.
I asked the class if they've ever listened to a police, fire, or ambulance siren (pay attention to this next time you hear one). As the vehicle with the siren moves toward you, the pitch increases. As it goes by and moves away, the pitch decreases. You would expect, given what you know about frequency and pitch, that the frequency of the waves is changing as the car moves. The frequency actually isn't changing. This apparent change is frequency is known as the Doppler Effect.
Christian Doppler was an Austrian scientist. In 1845 he conducted an experiment with a train and a group of musicians. He put the band on a flatbed train car and instructed them to play while the train moved. Doppler stood on the ground near the tracks and listened. As the train approached, he noticed the band seemed to be playing at a higher pitch than they were as they moved past and away from him. Doppler then tried standing on the train car while the musicians played on the ground next to the tracks. He noticed the same thing. 
Scientists believe this change in pitch occurs not because of a change in frequency, but because of the motion of the source of the sound and the motion of the observer/listener. 
Think about passing a ball to a friend. If you and your friend stand still and you throw one ball to your friend every second, your friend will receive one ball every second. The frequency is 1 ball per second.
However, if you move toward your friend while throwing the ball, your friend will receive more than one ball per second. The frequency of the balls being caught increases because the wavelength (the distance between the crests of two waves or, in this case, between yourself and your friend) decreases. This is similar to the experiments we conducted earlier - "Twang" and "String Music." In those, a shorter length created a higher pitch. 

We had one more lab that we didn't get to. Here's a link with the details so you can try it at home.

No classes the next two weeks due to STAR Testing (April 12-14) and Spring Break (April 18-22).
We will begin a two-week study of electricity when we come back to class on April 28.

The animations we used are all from the University of Salford (that's where my dad went to university) in Manchester, England. Those web pages were designed for high school students getting ready to take the physics portions of their university entry exams - A levels and GCSE. 
There's tons of great information and the little clips really make it easy to understand.

The labs "String Music," "Twang," and "Straw Flute" are all from Physics for Every Kid.
VanCleave, J. (1991). Physics for Every Kid: 101 Easy Experiments in Motion, Heat, Light, Machines, and Sound. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

The lab "Demonstrating Sound Waves" was found on this website (lots of others to try at home):

The lab "Good Vibrations" was found here: 

Monday, April 4, 2011

March 31st - Light

We studied light in our last class and will learn about sound this week (April 7th) so I wanted to give the students a little background on waves before moving into the other concepts.

Wave - A disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another.

Ocean waves are caused by the wind. The wind is the disturbance and it causes energy in the water to be transferred from one place to another in the form of an ocean wave.
If there is a boat on the ocean water, the wave will cause anything floating on the water to be disturbed so the energy carried by the wave lifts the boat as it passes.

Most waves require something to travel through: a medium. Any form of matter can be a medium. Waves that require a medium to travel are known as mechanical waves.
Electromagnetic waves, such as light from the sun, can travel through empty space. They do not require a medium to travel through.

Waves are created when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate. The vibrating up and down or back and forth is the source of the wave. A boat's propellers disturb the calm surface of the water. They transfer energy to the water and cause its particles (the medium) to vibrate. This creates a wave. The movement of a boat through water also creates a transfer of energy and a wave.

Types of waves
There are three types of waves: Transverse, longitudinal, and combination.
Transverse waves - If you make a wave with a piece of rope (as we did in class), the wave moves from one end of the rope to the other while the rope itself moves up and down. In transverse waves, the waves move at right angles to the direction of the medium. The highest parts of these waves are called crests and the lowest parts are troughs. The distance between the crests of two waves is the wavelength. The distance between the trough and the crest is the amplitude.

Longitudinal waves - If you stretch out a Slinky, you can produce a longitudinal wave. These waves move the particles of the medium parallel to the direction the waves are traveling. They either both move back and forth or up and down. In the spring, the coils that are close together are called compressions while those that are far apart are rarefactions.

Combination waves - These waves have characteristics of both longitudinal and transverse waves. They occur as surface waves between two media (such as air and water). The water, and anything on it, moves up and down like a transverse wave but it also moves back and forth like a longitudinal wave.

Light travels from one place to another in waves. Another name for light is electromagnetic radiation. Scientists created the electromagnetic spectrum to show the wavelengths of different types of waves as well as those of the colors of visible light.

See Through Lab - We took a break at this point to complete a lab that showed the differences between transparent, translucent, and opaque materials. The students looked through a clear plastic Zip-Loc bag, a piece of wax paper, and a piece of poster board. They discussed how things looked through each.

Transparent, translucent, opaque
Light normally travels in a straight line. When light strikes an object it can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. Most objects reflect or absorb light. An object that reflects or absorbs all the light that hits it is opaque. Opaque objects are things that you can't see through like the poster board.

Transparent objects transmit light. When light strikes something transparent it passes right through. The transparent object from our demonstration was the Zip-Loc bag.

Translucent objects allow some light to pass through them. They scatter light as it goes through so you can usually tell that something is behind a translucent object but you can't see the details. Wax paper is translucent.

Mirrors reflect light. Light passes through the glass and hits the coating on the back of the mirror. It is then reflected, allowing you to see an image. There are three types of mirrors: Plane mirrors, concave mirrors, and convex mirrors.
Plane mirrors are flat mirrors and are the ones the students probably use most. Plane mirrors produce images that are right side up and are the same size as the object being reflected.
Concave mirrors have a surface that curves inward like a bowl. These mirrors reflect rays of light that meet at a focal point. Concave mirrors can produce an image like that produced in a plane mirror. They can also produce images that are upside down and/or larger or smaller than the object being reflected. Since these mirrors can be used to produce magnified images, they are used as make-up or shaving mirrors.
Convex mirrors have surfaces that curve outward. The rays reflected by these mirrors start at a focal point and spread out. Passenger-side rearview mirrors on cars are an example of convex mirrors. They spread out rays of light allowing for a larger reflection area but, because you can see more, images appear smaller and further away. This is the reason for that "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear" message on rearview mirrors.

Refraction and prisms
When light enters a new medium at an angle, the change in speed that occurs causes the rays to bend or change direction. This is refraction.
Refraction of light can cause us to see something that is not really there. This explains rainbows and mirages (see below).
Prisms allow us to see refraction of light. When white light hits the angles on a prism, it refracts and separates into its component colors (all those colors of the electromagnetic spectrum). Longer wavelengths mean the light waves will be bent less by the prism so colors like orange and red will be bent or refracted less than blue or purple.

Prism Lab - We went outside with a prism and saw it refract the white light from the sun into the colors of the spectrum.

Water Prism Lab - We didn't have much luck with this one but that may have been because we didn't cut big enough slits in the poster board. Try this again at home and experiment with different sized slits.
You will need a poster board circle cut to fit over the lens of a flashlight. Cut a very thin slit across the circle, stopping about 1 cm from the edges. Tape the circle to the front of the flashlight. Place a glass of water on the edge of a flat chair and have a partner hold a piece of white paper near the floor at the edge of the chair. Darken the room and hold the flashlight at an angle to the surface of the water. Try changing the angle of the flashlight and moving the paper until you see the spectrum of colors.
The water acts as a prism to refract or bend the light from the flashlight.

Raindrops can act as tiny prisms. When light from the sun hits raindrops (or water from a garden sprinkler or hose), the light is bent by the water.

Air higher in the atmosphere is cooler than that near the road. Light travels faster when it reaches the warmer air so the rays bend as they travel downward. This refracted light appears to come up from the ground making the rays look like they were reflected off a smooth surface such as water.

Colors depend on how objects reflect and absorb light. Each object absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others. Our eyes see objects as the color of the light they reflect. So, a red object appears red because the red wavelengths of light are reflected by that object. All other wavelengths are absorbed. Blue objects reflect the blue wavelengths. Green things reflect green wavelengths.
Black and white are a bit different. Black objects appear black because they absorb all wavelengths of light. White objects, on the other hand, reflect all the wavelengths.

Blender Lab - This lab showed how light waves blend to produce white light.
Each student was given a 10-cm. diameter poster board circle. The students divided their circles into six equal sections then used markers (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet) to color each section. It's important to go in that order so the colors match their order on the electromagnetic spectrum. They then pushed a pencil through the center of the circle to create a spinner. As the circle spins, the colors do seem to blur together. We couldn't make our circles blur enough to go grey but I did see some dull blues. To make white, we would need to include the 7th color of the spectrum, indigo.

Chromatography Lab - Chromatography is used to separate the components of colored mixtures. The original lab called for using candy such as Skittles but I tried that at home and didn't have great results. Instead, we used markers. The link to the original lab is below if you'd like to try it with Skittles or M&Ms.
Cut a 3"x3" square from a coffee filter. Add a dot of each color marker about 1 cm from the edge of the coffee filter.
Make a salt solution by mixing 1/8 tsp. of table salt into 3 cups of water. Pour a little of the solution into a clear glass or cup. You want the level to be below the dots but the salt solution should touch the very bottom of the coffee filter. Use a binder clip to clip the coffee filter on the side of the cup.
Capillary action will draw the water up through the coffee filter. It will pass through the dots of color and start to separate them. This happens because some dyes are more likely to stick to the paper while others want to mix with the salt water.

The labs "See Through," "Water Prism," and "Blender" were all from Physics for Every Kid.
VanCleave, J. (1991). Physics for Every Kid: 101 Easy Experiments in Motion, Heat, Light, Machines, and Sound. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

The Chromatography lab was found on this website: